松盈傳奇冰淇淋專賣店超厚三明治冰餅就在松盈傳奇冰淇淋專賣店 | 抹茶口味的冰餅真正打開冰餅,才發現這厚度真的很誇張!含餅乾大概有五公分厚~如果想要一口咬下,可能要先小心你們的下巴,哈哈~抹茶口味的苦味較甜味來得不明顯,算是大眾口味,小朋友應該也會喜歡,而且甜而不膩耶! | 松盈傳奇冰淇淋專賣店四個人各點了一塊冰餅,分別是牛奶、桂圓、抹茶與黑芝麻口味,外表的包裝紙都會有註明口味,各口味的包裝紙顏色也都不同。 |
松盈傳奇冰淇淋專賣店牛奶口味的手工冰淇淋,這樣其實還蠻大一球的,口感吃來綿密,奶香也很濃郁。 | 松盈傳奇冰淇淋專賣店黑芝麻的堅果香氣十分濃郁,雖然口感細緻,但是依然能夠清楚地看到黑色的小小顆粒;搭配葡萄乾的風味更有層次,搭配茶飲一起慢慢享用也不錯! | 松盈傳奇冰淇淋專賣店外層的蘇打餅吃來酥脆,記得不要放太久,否則會開始有點”潤潤”的唷~ |
Songying Legend Ice Cream Store
│Be careful if your chin falls off! Super thick sandwich ice pie
Although it has only been April recently, the weather is already hotter than summer, making people want to eat ice, right? It just so happened that Songying Legend opened its business again at the end of March, so after eating at noon that day, a group of us came to Dali to eat the super popular sandwich ice pie to cool off!
Songying Legend is located on the section of Defang Road. There are seats inside and outside the store for internal use. There are also many people taking out. There is also TV to watch!
In addition to the most famous sandwich ice cakes, the store also sells handmade ice cream, popsicles, slush and other goods, and even hand-held gift boxes can be packaged to give away, and provide low-temperature home delivery services, and free shipping when full amount~
My friend ordered a milk-flavored handmade ice cream, which is actually quite a big ball. The taste is creamy and the milky aroma is also very rich.
The other four of us each ordered a piece of ice pie, which was flavored with milk, longan, matcha and black sesame. The packaging paper on the outside will have the flavor indicated, and the color of the packaging paper for each flavor is also different.
The outer layer of soda cake is crispy, remember not to leave it for too long, otherwise it will start to be a bit "moisturized"~
After opening the ice pie, I realized that the thickness is really exaggerated! The biscuits are about five centimeters thick. If you want to take a bite, you may need to be careful with your chin. Haha. The bitterness of matcha is not obvious than the sweetness. Even if it is a popular taste, children should also like it, and it’s not sweet. Tired!
The nutty aroma of black sesame is very strong. Although the taste is delicate, the small black particles can still be clearly seen; the flavor of raisins is more layered, and it is good to enjoy it slowly with tea!
I’m bored to play a Jenga with ice pie~ But the speed of eating can’t be too slow, otherwise it will be a bit embarrassing to melt~
Fortunately, there is also a sink here intimately to wash your hands, so it won’t be sticky~
On this day, all five of us in a group ate to their heart's content. The whole meal was refreshing, sweet but not greasy. After eating, we won’t feel thirsty. Later, we bought two large boxes of comprehensive gift boxes, and the store would also use styrofoam. Packed in a box to keep the ice, you are not afraid of melting when you take it home, share it with you!
Songying Legend Ice Cream Store Business Hours: 10:00 – 21:30
Phone: 04 2485 3379
Address: No. 8, Section 1, Defang Road, Dali District, Taichung City